Mobile Home Park Investing

Mobile Home Park Investing

We are currently looking to acquire mobile home parks in the U.S. Southeast.

Tax Lien Investing

Tax Lien Investing

We acquire tax liens directly from local governments throughout the Southeast and Midwest.

Tax Lien Maturities

Tax Lien Maturities

We buy and sell tax lien maturities throughout the Southeast and Midwest.


Welcome to Alden Capital, LLC

Alden Capital specializes in mobile home park (MHP) investments and management. If you are interested in acquiring a mobile home park or interested in selling your mobile home park, please reach out to us. Our area of operation is the Southeast.

We also specialize in Tax Lien investing. We manage a portfolio of real estate tax liens originated by counties in the Southeast and Midwest. We regularly acquire new tax liens. We also handle the tax lien maturities and sell maturities to other investors and acquire tax lien maturities from other investors.

If you are interested in mobile home park investing or tax lien investing (two great high yield investments), feel free to reach out to us.

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Need to know more on details? Call Us +1 662 399 2272 or email us at

We are always eager to talk about investment opportunities!

We are always eager to partner with other investors!